Freelance writer specializing in comedy and the geekier end of the pop culture spectrum.
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Christopher Lee to the Sixth Degree
Forget Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon - Christopher Lee was the real Centre of the Hollywood Universe, a Prince of Darkness who almost became a Prince of Comedy
Metal Hurlant Comic Strips in English
A list of English-language translations of classic Métal Hurlant comic strips that are currently in print or available digitally
Elvis Presley: Social Justice King
The shocking untold truth behind some of Elvis Presley's most popular songs (Warning: contains tall tales and shaggy Hound Dog stories)
West Midlands Avengers: Shard Endgame
Meet Captain Midlands, Birmingham Iron Man, Solihull Thor, Coventry Hulk and Ward End Black Widow... together, they are The West Midlands Avengers!