Quite looking forward to seeing St Julian at Latitude in July. I like him loads, have never seen him live and over the years have heard great things about his gigs. In the meantime, I’ve got this to look forward to:
The Birmingham Town Hall website says this about it:
Cope will present one of his infamous lectures, based on his years of study of the occult, mythology and Britain’s pre-history. Followed by a screening of cult film Haxan (1922 dir: Benjamin Christensen)-an other worldly vision of grave robbing, torture, possessed nuns, baby sacrifices and satanic Sabbath, with a live soundtrack by art house electronix outfit Bronnt Industries Kapital.
Which sounds reassuringly mental. To me, at least. If only History lectures at Uni were more like that then I might have turned up to more of ’em.
I’ve been trying to talk Brother Younger into going along with me. This sort of thing is right up his street.
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