The John Munch Cinematic Universe
Tom LennonMeet John Munch, the veteran TV cop who moonlights as the focal point of a vast, MCU-like fictional universe
Meet John Munch, the veteran TV cop who moonlights as the focal point of a vast, MCU-like fictional universe
TV smash Peaky Blinders could open the floodgates to other old English street gangs like the Cheesy Rollers, the Teethy Whiteners and the Streaky Bakers
Forget Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon - Christopher Lee was the real Centre of the Hollywood Universe, a Prince of Darkness who almost became a Prince of Comedy
I've contributed an essay about the film Blade Runner to a new book called The Cyberpunk Nexus: Exploring the Blade Runner Universe
An inflatable promotional 'Jaws' shark from 1995 contains a foul and potentially deadly cargo…
In which David Lynch and a VCR plotted together to humiliate me in Hull...
Jaws star Roy Scheider not only gave the world some memorable performances but also some deeply inappropriate movie quotes
The multitude of links between the raunchy David Duchovny-starring TV show Californication and the late, great American singer-songwriter Warren Zevon