I heard about Heath Ledger’s death just before I went to bed last night and it floored me. Sad, sad news. This was a formidable talent who was at his prime and, I’m certain, would have gone from strength to strength.
He also played The Joker in the forthcoming The Dark Knight, the sequel to my all-time favourite superhero flick, 2005’s Batman Begins. From what I’ve seen of this performance already it looks as though Ledger more than nailed it. Dark Knight co-star Michael Caine recently had this to say about his performance:
“I tell you the big surprise in the new ‘Batman’ — Heath Ledger as the Joker,” Caine told reporters in New York Tuesday. “He’s fantastic. He’s gone in a different direction than Jack (Nicholson) … Jack was like a really scary old, nasty old uncle with a funny face. Heath is like the most murderous psychopath you’ve ever seen on the screen,” Caine said.
I’m still struggling to process this news. It’s so out of the blue. This is a sad loss to Cinema, but let’s remember it’s a greater loss to his family. They have my deepest sympathies.
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