Here’s another pesky but obligatory year-end list for me to get out of my system: it’s my Top 5 list of the gigs I really would have liked to have gone to in 2008 but for one reason or another didn’t.

I’m sure I can come up with something snappier than that.

5. Public Enemy, Custard Factory, Birmingham. I mentioned this during one of my 11-11-11 write-ups, but sort of subsequently forgot about it. I’m sure it would have been fun.

4. Band of Horses, Birmingham Academy. Clare bought us a pair of tickets, there was a mix up over the dates and we missed the gig. Bugger.

3. TV On the Radio, Birmingham Academy. I’ve been following them since 2004’s Desperate Youths, Blood Thirsty Babes. 2008’s Dear Science was one of my favourite albums of the year. For some reason I didn’t catch them on tour. So it goes.

2. Bruce Springsteen. The last time I saw The Boss play live was at Villa Park in June 1988. That’s fucking ridiculous, that is.

1. Leonard Cohen. Clare and I came close – this close, I tell you – to nabbing a pair of tickets to see Laughing Len in Manchester. I’ll spare you the details.