The more observant amongst you may notice a discrete ad for the second issue of Dirty Bristow at the top right corner of this blog. Of course, if you’re reading this post via Google Reader or some other similar doohickey then that last sentence will probably make no sense to you whatsoever. In that case, I’m going to have to ask you to concentrate really hard and try to imagine – as vividly as possible – a discrete ad for the second issue of Dirty Bristow at the top right corner of this blog. You’ll be glad you did.
Dirty Bristow is a rather excellent magazine published by my friends Danny Smith and Jon Bounds that features great writing by smart people as well as some random outpourings of blather from me. The theme of the second issue is ‘Beast’, so I’ve contributed a lengthy essay on the subject of The Mythical Beasts of Birmingham. Months of painstaking research have gone into this and it’s a subject I feel quite passionate about. You shouldn’t let the article’s low humour and abundance of cheap innuendo make you think otherwise.
The Mythical Beasts of Birmingham features a set of illustrations by my old pal Nigel Lowrey and – without giving too much away – I can confirm that they’re all eye-poppingly gorgeous. I’ve been at the drawing board, too, and Dirty Bristow Issue Two will feature a rather lurid and tasteless drawing of mine that’ll appear alongside The John School, a short story by another old pal, Dan Powell. The John School is excellent, powerful stuff that does not rely heavily on low humour and an abundance of cheap innuendo.
If that doesn’t tempt you into buying the magazine then maybe this will:
Attached to the front of a limited number of the copies is the finest half inch of plastic and magnetic tape seen since Kylie’s Got to be Certain cassingle. Featuring four new and exclusive cover versions from our favourite acts and something a bit special — Dirty Bristow the Game, for the 48K ZX Spectrum.
That’s right. Dirty Bristow Issue Two is a magazine published in the Year of Our Lord 2011 that’ll features a cover-mounted cassette and a ZX Spectrum adventure game. How can you possibly resist?
The magazine comes out late next month and you can pre-order a copy from here. Alternatively, if you really want to impress friends, co-workers and attractive members of the opposite sex then you can always come along to the launch party and pick up a copy from there. It’ll take place on Saturday, 23rd July 13th August at The Edge in Digbeth (which, like so many buildings in that traditionally Irish part of Birmingham, is named after a member of the band U2).
Admission is £6 (which includes a complimentary copy of the magazine), and the event features a veritable plethora of Olympic-themed shenanigans, live music and stand-up comedy from the likes of Harry Vale and, um, me.
Do come along and say ‘Hi’.
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