How bizarre.

The Seinfeld season 8 DVD boxset came through the post this morning. I’m a big fan of Seinfeld, and used to avidly watch it on BBC2 during the 90s, but I never saw much of the last two seasons due in no small part to erratic BBC scheduling. This evening Clare and I watched the first disc worth of episodes including season 8 opener – The Foundation – which I’d never seen before.

By way of a set-up, the fiancée of self-proclaimed ‘Lord of the Idiots’ George Costanza died at the end of season 7 in a rather tasteless manner. She’d accidentally poisoned herself after licking the toxic gum on a batch of cheap envelopes that were to be used for their wedding invites. Needless to say, George bought the envelopes.

Season 8 opens with her funeral, and – in light of this week’s sad news about Ricardo Montalbán – I was rather suprised to find that the fist episode contained numerous references to his finest hour, Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan.

Not that there’s anything wrong with that.