When he isn’t encouraging, urging and sometimes forcibly coercing the city’s artistic community to use the Internet to their best advantage, my friend Pete Ashton also finds the time to be a rather talented photographer. That’s award-nominated polymathematical Renaissance Brummies for you. I sometimes suspect that his interest in photography is not unrelated to history as a comics aficionado. After all, he’s not the first illustrious Peter to have moonlighted as a shutterbug.
Anyhow, I was browsing through his Flickr pages and found the following pics he took at gigs I recently attended. They’re rather good.
Here’s Jim White from last month’s gig at The Barfly that I wrote about here:
And here’s Jim’s able support, the immensely-talented Jenny Owen Youngs, who Pete admittedly “kinda fell in love with for an evening”. Glad to know it wasn’t just me, then.
And – last but not least, here’s the mighty Jeffrey Lewis at the Hare & Hounds in Kings Heath who I wrote about here. He was crouching down in order to operate an OHP that was projecting one of his hand-made budget videos onto a screen whilst he narrated a song. I think it was the bloody hilarious ‘Champion Jim’, but I’m not quite sure.
Pete also took some pics at Thursday’s Curate’s Egg event featuring Gallon Drunk, but they’ll have to wait as I haven’t written about it yet. But he didn’t take any pictures of Tuesday’s The National gig at the Irish Centre as he wasn’t there.
But I was…
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