J.J. Abrams’ rather excellent Star Trek film will be available on your home entertainment format of choice this coming Monday.  That seems like a reasonably good excuse to dig out the following slice of Trek-themed nonsense from my archives:

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It’s a short parody of Star Trek: The Next Generation (or should that now be Star Trek: The Previous Generation?) that was illustrated by my pal Rob Walsh, a proper artist (he has exhibitions and stuff) who was gracious enough to illustrate several comic strips for me in the past.  Rob’s a tremendously talented chap and I think he did a bloody marvellous job with this.  If you want to see some of his proper art (ie the kind of stuff that hangs in galleries and doesn’t feature speech balloons or cheap puns), then he has a website you can find here.

In case you’re interested, the strip originally appeared as a back-up feature in an issue of Stonebroke, my long-in-hiatus small-press comic about public transport in a post-apocalyptic world (think ‘Mad Max’ meets ‘On The Buses’).   This is my first attempt at a webcomic, so to make it browser-friendly I re-lettered it using Plasq’s Comic Life then used the WordPress plugins NextGEN FlashViewer and NextGEN Gallery so you can navigate and enlarge the pages to your heart’s content.

I might be doing more of this in the future.  Consider yourself warned.