I’ve made no secret of the fact that next week’s Tom Waits gig in Paris has put me in a state of perpetual chomping-at-the-bit excitement. What I’ve now found out, however, is that this manic enthusiasm seems to be rubbing off on my nearest and dearest, too.

I was driving my car to someplace or other this evening with Clare and her astonishingly-bright four year-old daughter, Lily, as passengers. On the car stereo was Leonard Cohen’s I’m Your Man album, which Lily took a strong disliking to. Fair enough, I though: Leonard Cohen is a bit of an acquired taste. Come to think of it, amongst Leonard Cohen fans that particular album is a bit of an acquired taste.

I decided to be considerate. I’d stop inflicting my music taste on others and – ideally – play something that had a stronger appeal amongst that sometimes difficult-to-please CBeebies demographic.

“What would you like to listen to, Lily?” I asked.

“Tom Waits,” she said.

Lily was later heard singing Waits’ classic track ’16 Shells From A 30.6′. It made Clare giggle, and knocked Scarlett Johansson’s cover versions right out of the water.